Saturday, January 29, 2011

iris murdoc

One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats. Iris Murdoc

The Most Essential Necessity Of Life

Faith above reason is the new system of relationships that we have to establish in the world, because without it we could never build the connection between us necessary for our survival. 
 The new state of humanity that is being revealed today is not just a discovery that the world is global and integral, but also a realization that we have to get to know the Upper Force (the Creator). He has to be the governing force among us that will connect us all with each other and with all the levels of reality (still, vegetative, animate, and human).

When this force fills the space between us, we will be able to save ourselves. Otherwise, we will never be able to do it. Even in the face of death, we won’t be able to connect with each other in the way that Nature demands from us. Through the crisis, the Creator shows us that He is not among us; this is also called “the breaking of the common soul.”
We have to discover that the only thing we need is the Creator, the Force that will be revealed to fill the vacuum between us and connect all parts of the universe in the right way. This Upper Force is the most essential necessity of absolutely everyone’s life. Everyone will realize that without it, we simply won’t be able to survive.

In the same manner we are now becoming aware that we have to connect with each other and feel others as ourselves. Otherwise we destroy nature and harm ourselves by harming others, because we are all connected.

Does Life After Death Exist?

Does life after death exist?  Well, according to the Christian faith it does.  In fact, it is one of the foundational pillars holding Christianity together.  After all, if there is no heaven to look forward to, then why would Christians face the tremendous persecution, suffering, imprisonment and death that they must suffer for their faith in so many areas of the world today?  The truth is that tens of millions of Christians have been killed for their faith throughout history, and millions more will be killed for their faith in the years ahead.  So why get yourself killed if there is no heaven?  And if there is no hell, then why fear God?  After all, it certainly seems like a lot of powerful men and women are getting away with extreme wickedness and are enjoying life.  Why not cheat and oppress people as long as you can get away with it?  If this life is all we have, shouldn't we be focusing on our own personal enjoyment as much as possible?  Why waste time on religion if there is no afterlife?

way to get success in life....

1. Successful People Take Care of Themselves

Success in life begins in the mind and then the body. A person who wishes to succeed in life must take care of his or her mind and body. Successful people eat right and stay fit. They also maintain spiritual and mental health as well as physical health.

2. Successful People Practice Gratitude

Stresses and challenges are realities of life. A person can mitigate the severity of these challenges by practicing a life of gratitude. Successful people make a decision to focus on the positive and express gratitude for the many things for which they can be thankful.

3. Successful People Guard Against Assumptions

Be careful making too many assumptions about life. Be thorough. Pay attention to detail. Successful people practice this attentiveness with respect to tasks and also people.

4. Successful People Refrain from Absolute Generalizations

People often say things like: "You're ALWAYS late!" or "You NEVER say 'thank you'." Be careful making these types of sweeping declarations. Successful people pay attention to the words they use, and don't throw accusations or generalizations around carelessly.

5. Successful People Don't Follow Their Feelings

It's easy to make decisions out of emotion. The results are rarely productive or beneficial. Successful people understand that feelings are real and, most of the time, relevant. Feelings, however, should never drive decisions. On the contrary, decisions should drive feelings.

6. Successful People Have Learned to be Constructively Social

It's not true that successful people are naturally sociable. What is true is that successful people understand the importance of interpersonal relations and communication. Successful people therefore practice positive social interaction.
In addition, successful people understand the critical value of time. They don't waste time in social situations that will bring them down. Instead, they invest their time in people they can help and in people who can help them.

7. Successful People are Servants

Truly successful people are not infatuated with themselves. They are primarily givers and not takers. They make decisions and cultivate habits designed to bring value to others. They are servants.
While there are certainly situations that people seem to catch "lucky breaks" or inherit large sums of money or great health, these kinds of things don't constitute success. True, meaningful success -- something that permeates a person in every area of his or her life - comes not by accident, but my deliberate choices and constructive habits.

life without love...

Love is a universal feeling, which is felt by every living being on this earth. 

Do not be surprised when I say ‘living beings’ because it is not just an attribute of human beings. Plants and animals everyone is acquainted with this strange emotion. Though there is no definition to describe this unique feeling of love, it is characterized by a sense of attachment and affection towards somebody or something. So strong is the feeling that it is said that it makes the world go around. If you are still wondering why is love so important in our lives, the answer is that it satisfies the emotional needs of human beings.

value of lifeeeeeeee

We live in a Time when the value of human life is under attack. At the very least, the value of human life appears to have been significantly diminished. Today we Measure our value and the value of others in terms of material possessions, wealth, power, position, title, education, houses, cars, and pleasures. 

Without true understanding of life we have little control of our lives or future. To just react blindly - to act, protest or praise without understanding - is to be no more than leaves blown in the wind. The bliss of ignorance is the bliss of stupidity. Understanding of what is outside of ourselves separates the human from the animal.

In the view of Albert...

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”by Albert Einstein

life is beautiful?

There are lots of beautiful things around us. It's just a matter of how we see it and whether we're able to realize it. In life, of course there are always some ups and downs. However, I believe, that even in the most difficult situation, there's always a beautiful thing.. As wise people say, "Everything happens for a reason".


Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
                                                                                        By Earl Nightingale